Things got crazy on Friday when we reached our Indiegogo Campaign goal! How mental is that?! Tomorrow marks the 3 week point since our campaign went live but it's still running until August 9th! We could pack it in & be happy with our 100% but we've already exceeded the goal as I type this so why stop now? There are still perks to be had, including a set of 25 custom Christmas cards, our favorite Nashville things & of course Kevin's song! (<<< which I make weird ghost noises at the end.) Keep spreading the word:
People have asked us a lot of questions in regards to the campaign goal, what the money will be used for & why things cost as much as they do so I thought I would explain the process a little more.
We set the campaign goal at $5,000 because that will be the approximate amount needed for our adoption placement.
What is a placement, you ask? Placement is the term we use when we are given a child. At this point we are paid in full with our adoption agency but all of the costs we have paid so far have been administrative fees (home study, doctor's appointments, background checks, online parenting classes, etc.) When we are matched or placed with a child we have to pay our agency a placement fee. This estimated cost is for 1 child & is due in full once the agency places the child in our home. As of right now, if we were matched with a baby we would be able to pay our placement fee in FULL. Can you imagine how much weight is lifted from our shoulders because of this?!?!?
There are so many unknowns when it comes to adoption. One of the fees we have already paid for is our birth mother fee, which is money to cover any medical costs for our future birthmom or payment for needs she has while she is pregnant. If our birthmom has financial needs above the amount we have already given, we will help with those needs too. (Side-note: If our birthmom is having twins, our placement fee will be higher as well, but not the birthmother fee.) Some people have been 'offended' for us when we say we have to help the birthmom with her needs. But why wouldn't we? The state of Tennessee says we are obligated to assist the birthmom with her personal or medical expenses during her 3rd trimester but honestly, it's our privilege to do so. If we are able to have a relationship with our birthmom, we will do whatever we can to help her through this tough process because she is giving US so much in return.
After the placement we will have to hire a lawyer to help us finalize the adoption at 6 months. Last week we met with an awesome lawyer who explained everything that happens from start-to-finish when it comes to placing the baby in our care. We discussed all of the fees involved, when we will have to go to court, when the birthmom goes to court, etc. There are so many details, so many variables but at the end of the day lawyer fees are just another necessary expense when you adopt. We're so grateful to have a lawyer to work with who isn't doing this to make money off of us, she was very open & transparent about her costs (the range of costs, depending on what our situation will be) & we believe this is another answered prayer, another stress taken off of our shoulders.
Once the baby is placed in our home, he/she will be under the custody of our adoption agency for the first 6 months of their life. At that point we'll go to court to finalize the adoption so that Baby Masch will legally be Baby Masch! Isn't that exciting?
Adoption is so hard, it's trying & frustrating. We just want to be parents & want this journey to begin for REAL! Thanks for experiencing this journey with us! Big things are coming!
"What the world really needs is more love & less paperwork." - Pearl Bailey