We've entered year #2 of the wait and it honestly sucks. (We can be honest with each other, right?)
I've said for over a year now, "the average wait time is 10 months to 2 years..." but in my mind I didn't want to believe that to be true for us. But with everything else in life we have no control over the what's and the when's, we just have to be prepared for whatever life throws our way.
We had a great meeting with our case worker to renew our home study where we talked about openness, changing our service plan & what happens next. We got real about how we feel 12 months into the process, & talked about staying busy in 2015 even though it's becoming increasingly difficult to stay positive.
I feel we're on the verge of something great & we appreciate your continued support during this time.
We are getting really excited about having a baby around & the nursery is almost complete. We just got rid of the guest bed to make room for the crib! Once everything is set up we'll share photos with you guys. We think it's Koola's favorite room. As you can see, he supervised the deconstruction of the guest bed & was none too happy about not being consulted in the process.
I worried about seeing a baby's room in our house, but I find myself going in there every now & then to seek refuge. It's become a place of comfort for me, a reminder to keep going & not quit what we've started.
Again, we are so grateful for every day & the possibility of what's to come. For now, we're staying busy watching movies, reading books, finding ways to be creative & laughing as often as possible.
Watch Friends seasons 9-10, particularly the episodes centered around Monica & Chandler's infertility & adoption. The writers of that show did an amazingly accurate job of finding humor in all of it. (Inhospitable womb, anyone?) We have had so much fun watching these episodes & often catch ourselves nodding along, crying & laughing so incredibly hard at what these characters go through.
If you follow me on any other social media platform I've already inundated newsfeeds urging you to check out the documentary Closure, but seriously, WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY:
It's about a young woman named Angela who decides to search for her birth parents. I started to cry after the first 5 minutes & sobbed until the very end. I'm asking everyone to watch this because it portrays adoption in such a beautiful, healthy way. For those of you who have no association with adoption in your personal lives at all, it will show you what the process feels like. After we finished the movie Kevin said, "People who can have kids have docs like The Business of Being Born. We have Closure." If you have ever wondered how to talk to someone going to through the adoption process, or a friend struggling with their identity due to closed adoption, this movie will help you not only be a better human but a better friend.
Angela & her husband travel around the country speaking on trans-racial adoption so consider attending an event should they come to your city!
Thanks for reading & encouraging us to keep going.
- Brooke